Guide to certificates and tests for recreational sailors
Not sure what certificates you need to sail various recreational vessels?
You're not alone. The rules for tests and certificates for recreational sailors can be complicated, but here's an overview of the main changes and the different certificates available. As a recreational sailor, you have many opportunities to improve your competencies and skills - even if it's not necessarily a requirement.
New rules for the proficiency test: What you need to know
A few changes were made last year, which among other things means that the plastic card for passing the proficiency test with the right to drive a speedboat is no longer valid. You can still take a proficiency test, the difference is that you will only receive a diploma for your passed test, either as a plastic card or digital certificate, depending on how the approved provider issues them. Based on your diploma, you can then be issued a certificate if you need it because it is a requirement in your leisure craft.
A proficiency test consists of two parts: a theoretical and practical sample. You can find an overview of sailing schools here.
When you have completed both, you have passed a proficiency test. It's worth noting that it's called a proficiency test and not a certificate of proficiency, becausethis in itself does not entitle you to anything. There are no requirements for your training if you want to sail recreational craft under 15 meters, so you cannot be issued a certificate for something that is not required by law. This means that you can sail pleasure craft up to 50 feet without taking the theoretical or practical proficiency test. However, this does not apply to speedboats, jet skis and similar vessels under 15 meters, which require a certificate.
But the proficiency test is certainly not without value for that reason. Even though it's not a requirement, it provides skills that are good to have. When you take the tests, you'll gain important knowledge and practical skills about navigation, seaway rules and safety at sea, which is a great starting point for you and your family or friends to have a safe trip on the water.
Skemaet viser uddannelser for fritidssejlere.
The proficiency test as a certificate of competency offers more opportunities
At the same time, the proficiency test can actually be used in pleasure craft larger than 50 feet. However, it requires a passed sight and hearing test certificate for recreational sailors from a licensed maritime medical practitionerbecause then you have what is called - and now it's about keeping your tongue in your mouth - "Sonæringsbevis Duelighedsbevis i Sejlads for Fritidssejlere".
Once you have a sight and hearing test certificate, you must apply for the disability certificate yourself at Danish Maritime Authority website.
So with a sight and hearing test certificate, you get a certificate of competency, not just a proficiency test, because it gives you certain rights. With a certificate of competency, you have the right to be a helmsman on recreational vessels between 15 and 24 meters. Being a coxswain means that you are allowed to drive the vessel, but you do not have overall responsibility. This means that there must be someone else on board who has at least a 3rd degree Yacht Skipper certificate.
Once you have the certificate of competency, you can continue your leisure sailing education by taking Yachtskipper 3 and 1. So if you want to be a skipper on leisure vessels over 15 meters, it is a necessary prerequisite with both a theoretical and practical proficiency test, as well as a sight and hearing test certificate.
In addition, having a certificate of competency can be beneficial if you plan to rent a boat, as some rental companies require you to prove your sailing skills.
What about the speedboat test?
Another significant change in the rules is that you can no longer use a speedboat test as the practical part of a proficiency test if you want to use your proficiency test as access to the Yacht Skipper 3rd degree exam. At the request of the approved providers, only the theoretical and practical proficiency test now qualifies for admission.
Again, hold your tongue, because it is possible to combine a speedboat test with a theoretical proficiency test to obtain the certificate of competency, as it has always been.
In other words, this means that if you want to be helmsman on a boat over 15 meters with another driver, you can take a theoretical proficiency test together with a speedboat test and a sight and hearing test certificate.
But do you want to be driver of a boat over 15 meters as a 3rd degree yacht skipper, a theoretical and practical proficiency test is required, as well as a sight and hearing test certificate, so the speedboat test as a practical part is not enough.
However, the speedboat license is still a legal requirement to operate a speedboat with a certain engine power. If your boat is under 4 meters and planing, and has an engine power of 19 kW/25 HP or more, you need a speedboat certificate. However, if your boat is between 4 and 15 meters and planing, the engine power will determine whether you need a speedboat certificate.
You can sail a speedboat if you have a valid certificate of competency, but not if you only have the proficiency test. This means that if you have the proficiency test, hearing and vision test certificate, and have applied for the certificate of competency from the Danish Maritime Authority, you do not also need a speedboat test and speedboat certificate.
It is also a legal requirement that you have a jet ski license if you want to drive jet skis and similar vessels.
Get wind in bigger sails as a yacht skipper
If you want to take your leisure sailing education to the next level or want to sail pleasure craft over 50 feet, you can continue as a yacht skipper.
"Beskeden" yacht i Marstrand Havn...
The first step is Yacht Skipper 3rd degree. With a passed yacht skipper exam, as well as a sight and hearing test certificate, you obtain a certificate of competency as a Yacht Skipper of the 3rd degree. You must also apply for the certificate of competency on the Danish Maritime Authority's website when you have the sight and hearing test certificate. With it, you have the right to be a coxswain of recreational vessels at speed on all seas, and the right to operate recreational vessels up to 24 meters in the Baltic Sea and North Sea, around the British Isles, Norway, the Faroe Islands and along the coasts of Greenland.
When you are driver of a vessel, you have full responsibility. When you are helmsmanyou'll be sailing with someone else who has full responsibility as the driver.
A valid Yacht Skipper certificate also entitles you to drive a speedboat, and with the certificate you do not need a speedboat license.
Once you have obtained the 3rd degree yacht skipper certificate, you can take the 1st degree yacht skipper test, which entitles you to operate recreational vessels of up to 24 meters in speed on all seas. To take the Yacht Skipper 1 exam, you need to have obtained a 3rd degree yacht skipper certificate of competency as well as 6 months' experience in recreational vessels between 15 and 24 meters as a 3rd degree yacht skipper.
Work is continuing on the approval of the first provider, so that after 6 months of sailing in recreational vessels between 10 and 15 meters, combined with a prior learning assessment at an approved provider, you can become a yacht skipper of the first degree. Hopefully, the Danish Maritime Authority can soon approve the first provider for prior learning assessment to make this a reality.
Yacht skipper exams are slightly more complicated than proficiency, but also provide a much more thorough knowledge of navigation, international rules of the sea, voyage planning, communication, meteorology and safety.
So you always have them at your fingertips on your phone. The app is available for both Apple and Android and also works in flight mode, even if you're not connected.
It is important to remember in relation to My Maritime. My Maritime that what you see will only be a registration of your leisure sailing test, which the approved provider reports to the Danish Maritime Authority. The certificate issued by the approved provider, e.g. speedboat certificate, will not be available in the app.
The Danish Maritime Authority is working on digitizing recreational sailing certificates so that you will eventually be able to have all your certificates in one place, without the risk of throwing them away.
The Certificates of Competency and Yacht Skipper have been digitized since October 2021, along with the certificates for commercial seafarers, and certificates issued since then are therefore available digitally in MyMaritime.
Summing up
If you're still a little confused, don't worry - the most important thing to remember is:
A distinction is made between tests and evidence A certificate gives the right to operate a vessel, such as a speedboat certificate for speedboats. However, as there is no legal requirement for a certificate to operate recreational craft under 15 meters, other than speedboats and jet skis, no certificates are issued. However, you can still take a proficiency test, which is a great way to gain basic sailing skills.
A test alone does not entitle you to anything This applies to both the proficiency test and the 3rd and 1st degree Yachtskipper tests. However, when a passed test is combined with a sight and hearing test certificate, it becomes a certificate of competency, which grants various rights to operate vessels between 15 and 24 meters. Remember that once you have the sight and hearing test certificate, you must apply for the certificate of competency yourself on the Danish Maritime Authority's website.
There is a distinction between being a coxswain and a driver When you drive a vessel, you have full responsibility. When you are a coxswain, you are sailing with someone else who is the skipper and has full responsibility. For example, with the certificate of competency you can be a coxswain on vessels over 15 meters if you are accompanied by a 3rd or 1st degree yacht skipper.
Once you have your test/exam and a medical examination, you can apply for a certificate of competency from the Danish Maritime Authority here:
Written by
Mads SailZoo day 3. September 2024
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