Boat Mechanics, Sweden

Find the best boat mechanics with SailZoo! Compare services, prices and reviews from other boat owners to ensure expert repairs, maintenance and reliable engine care for your boat.

11 results

Seacat Marin AB

Hourly rate
90 EUR

Baltic Kalmar Marina AB

Hourly rate
113 EUR

F-tech Marine Sweden AB

Hourly rate
98 EUR

Bil och Marin i Växjö AB

Hourly rate
113 EUR

Båtservice i Ängelholm NB AB

Tohatsu service MerCruiser service Evinrude service + more
Hourly rate
Not informed

Orrens Hamn AB

Hourly rate
Not informed

Yacht Performance Scandinavia AB

Hourly rate
90 EUR

Nyköpings Marincentrum AB

Hourly rate
118 EUR

Mickes Båtverkstad

Mercury service
Years of experience :
0 år

Björklunds Båtakut AB

Hourly rate
123 EUR

Getteröns Marinservice AB

Hourly rate
95 EUR

Olssons Marina AB

Hourly rate
Not informed

These companies also offer a service in Boat Mechanics, but do not yet work with SailZoo

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