Boat Storage, Sweden

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6 results

Baltic Kalmar Marina AB

Not informed

Nyköpings Marincentrum AB

Frost-free storage Stands included Heated hall + more
Per m2 (indoor), <45 ft
38 EUR

Bil och Marin i Växjö AB

Per m2 (indoor), <45 ft
Not informed

Wallhamns Båtsupport AB

Per m2 (indoor), <45 ft
82 EUR

Västerås Segelservice Aktiebolag

Heated hall
Mast storage
Motor boats
Storage on land with mast on
Area :
0 m2

Björklunds Båtakut AB

Per m2 (indoor), <45 ft
Not informed

These companies also offer a service in Boat Storage, but do not yet work with SailZoo

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