Boat Canopy Makers, Region Syddanmark

Find the best boat canopy makers with SailZoo! Compare services, prices and reviews to explore your options for custom boat covers, sprayhoods and cockpit enclosures.

8 results


Sprayhood - price from
804 EUR

Sejl & Kalechemageren

Sprayhood - price from
402 EUR

Svendborg Rigger og Sejlmagerværksted ApS

Sprayhood - price from
1.173 EUR

Tåsinge kaleche værksted

Installation & fitting included
Measurement included
Repair & maintenance of canvas cover
Experience :
Estimated time of delivery :
Hourly rate
50 EUR

Schultz Sejlmageri ApS

Sprayhood - price from
Not informed

2M Polstring

Sprayhood - price from
Not informed

Grønning & Juelsgaard

Sprayhood - price from
Not informed


Sprayhood - price from
Not informed

HCC Bådeværft

Sprayhood - price from
Not informed

These companies also offer a service in Boat Canopy Makers, but do not yet work with SailZoo

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